
Outline the basic steps to install and configure the Github CLI on Fedora (currently 39).


To quote chaper-and-verse from the package description:

A command-line interface to GitHub for use in your terminal or your scripts.

gh is a tool designed to enhance your workflow when working with GitHub. It provides a seamless way to interact with GitHub repositories and perform various actions right from the command line, eliminating the need to switch between your terminal and the GitHub website.

Having the CLI to-hand can streamline an engineer’s workflow, reducing context switching from the development environment to the Github web UI.


  1. Install the CLI

    There are a number of installation options available, however when using a distribution with a mature but up-to-date package ecosystem, it can be as simple as installing from the package manager.

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ sudo dnf info gh
     Last metadata expiration check: 0:00:46 ago on Tue 02 Jan 2024 21:03:23 GMT.
     Installed Packages
     Name         : gh
     Version      : 2.40.1
     Release      : 1.fc39
     Architecture : x86_64
     Size         : 46 M
     Source       : gh-2.40.1-1.fc39.src.rpm
     Repository   : @System
     From repo    : updates
     Summary      : GitHub's official command line tool
     URL          : https://github.com/cli/cli
     License      : MIT
     Description  : A command-line interface to GitHub for use in your terminal or your scripts.
                 : gh is a tool designed to enhance your workflow when working with GitHub. It
                 : provides a seamless way to interact with GitHub repositories and perform various
                 : actions right from the command line, eliminating the need to switch between your
                 : terminal and the GitHub website.
     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ sudo dnf -y install gh
  2. Validate that the Github CLI runs

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ gh --help | head
     Work seamlessly with GitHub from the command line.
       gh <command> <subcommand> [flags]
       auth:        Authenticate gh and git with GitHub
       browse:      Open the repository in the browser
       codespace:   Connect to and manage codespaces
       gist:        Manage gists
  3. Authenticate to Github using the CLI

    Start the Github CLI authentication process:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ gh auth login -h github.com -p https

    Select ‘Authenticate with credentials’: (Y):

     ? Authenticate Git with your GitHub credentials? (Y/n) 

    Select ‘Login with browser’:

     ? How would you like to authenticate GitHub CLI? Login with a web browser

    Select one-time code and copy the resulting code:

     ! First copy your one-time code: WXYZ-ABCD

    Open a browser when prompted:

     Press Enter to open github.com in your browser... 

    Enter the one-time code in the launched browser session:


    Authorize Github in the launched browser session:

     Authorize Github

    Confirm with a OTP authentication code from a trusted device providing OTP tokens.

    Confirm the sign in was successful:

     ✓ Authentication complete.
     - gh config set -h github.com git_protocol https
     ✓ Configured git protocol
     ✓ Logged in as wmcdonald404
  4. Set a GH_REPO environment variable

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ export GH_REPO='https://github.com/wmcdonald404/github-pages' 


With the Github CLI installed, and the GH_REPO set appropriately, the CLI can be used to query the state of the repo, review PRs, trigger Github actions workflows, review runs and many other activities.

For example:

wmcdonald@fedora:~$ gh workflow list
NAME                    STATE   ID      
pages-build-deployment  active  80950398
wmcdonald@fedora:~$ gh run list
STATUS  TITLE                       WORKFLOW                BRANCH  EVENT    ID          ELAPSED  AGE              
✓       pages build and deployment  pages-build-deployment  main    dynamic  7432457879  43s      about 3 hours ago
✓       pages build and deployment  pages-build-deployment  main    dynamic  7432432790  46s      about 3 hours ago
✓       pages build and deployment  pages-build-deployment  main    dynamic  7390698149  45s      about 3 days ago


By default the Github CLI will use the system ${PAGER} for its output. This is a personal preference but I like to choose when to use the PAGER. You can disable default pager use just for gh by setting GH_PAGER to a null value in your shell initialisation.

[wmcdonald@fedora ~ ]$ grep PAGER ~/.bash_profile 
export GH_PAGER=""
export AWS_PAGER=""

Further reading

  • https://github.com/cli/cli
  • https://cli.github.com/manual/