
Describe the steps to create a new password-protected keypair for OpenSSH on Windows, then add the key to the SSH Agent.


In order to prepare keys and persist the password-protected private key in the SSH agent we must:

  1. Create a keypair
  2. Start the SSH agent
  3. Add the private key to the agent

Then in order to benefit from key-based authentication:

  1. Add the public key to target system(s)
  2. Test connectivity


  1. Create the keypair, use -C to include a comment and -f to designate the file name for the private key.

    For example:

    PS> ssh-keygen -C <username and date> -f <path-to-file>

    Or to extract the username, date and path programatically from the environment:

    PS> $KEY_COMMENT = $(($Env:Username) + "-" + $(Get-Date -format "yyyy-MM-dd"))
    PS> $KEY_PATH = $(($Env:userprofile) + "/.ssh/" + ($Env:UserName) + ".id_rsa")
    PS> ssh-keygen -C $KEY_COMMENT -f $KEY_PATH

    When prompted for a passphrase, enter a strong password for the private key:

    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): 
    Enter same passphrase again: 
  2. Start the SSH agent service

    Note: starting the service will require Local Administrator privileges on the target Windows system.

     PS> Get-Service ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Automatic -PassThru | Start-Service
  3. Add the private key to the SSH agent and verify

     PS> ssh-add $KEY_PATH
     Enter passphrase for .\.ssh\user.name.id_rsa: *******************
     Identity added: .\.ssh\user.name.id_rsa
  4. Add the public key to a target system

  5. Test connectivity



Further reading