
Extend AWS CLI configuration with multiple user profiles and an SSO session.


You may have separate SSO accounts and roles granted per-application (e.g. service-a or service-b) or per-environment (e.g. nonprod or prod). You will see how to configure each scenario and conveniently switch between profiles.

Building on Configure the AWS CLI with multiple profiles, you can extend the AWS CLI configuration to combine multiple user/account profiles with one defined SSO session to easily switch between accounts and their resources.


  1. Install the CLI

    See Configure the AWS CLI with multiple profiles

  2. Configure SSO for the AWS CLI

    Start by creating an initial SSO configuration:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ aws configure sso
     SSO session name (Recommended): worksso
     SSO start URL [None]: https://worksso.awsapps.com/start
     SSO region [None]: eu-west-1
     SSO registration scopes [sso:account:access]:

    At this stage, the AWS CLI will open the default brower, to establish trust:

     Attempting to automatically open the SSO authorization page in your default browser.
     If the browser does not open or you wish to use a different device to authorize this request, open the following URL:
     Then enter the code:

    Next if multiple accounts are available for the identity, select a sensible base account (we can add additional accounts easily in subsequent steps):

     There are [N] AWS accounts available to you.
     <<select an account>>
     Using the account ID 123412341234
     The only role available to you is: developer
     Using the role name "developer"
     CLI default client Region [None]: eu-west-1
     CLI default output format [None]: json
  3. Review the ~/.aws/config state:

    Note: these configuration stanzas have been reordered for clarity

     [sso-session worksso]
     sso_start_url = https://worksso.awsapps.com/start
     sso_region = eu-west-1
     sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access
     [profile worksso.developer]
     sso_session = worksso
     sso_account_id = 123412341234
     sso_role_name = developer
     region = eu-west-1
     output = json
  4. Review the AWS CLI environment variables set:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ set | grep AWS

    Note: if AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY are set this will override AWS_PROFILE leading to unexpected results. If set they can be unset:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ unset AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
  5. Verify that the account defined in AWS_PROFILE can be queried successfully with the SSO session:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ aws ec2 describe-instances | jq '.[][].Instances[].InstanceId'
  6. To extract data from some deeper keys from the JSON returned by aws ec2 describe-instances, for example if you have Cloud9 instances and wanted to filter these by instance ID:

     wmcdonald@fedora:~$ aws ec2 describe-instances | jq -c '.Reservations[].Instances[] | {InstanceID: .InstanceId, InstanceType: .InstanceType, Cloud9Owner: .Tags[] | select(.Key == "aws:cloud9:owner").Value}'
  7. To extend the configuration to include additional accounts or roles this can be achieved as shown:

     [sso-session worksso]
     sso_start_url = https://worksso.awsapps.com/start
     sso_region = eu-west-1
     sso_registration_scopes = sso:account:access
     [profile worksso.developer]
     sso_session = worksso
     sso_account_id = 123412341234
     sso_role_name = developer
     region = eu-west-1
     output = json
     [profile worksso.tester]
     sso_session = worksso
     sso_account_id = 43214321
     sso_role_name = tester
     region = eu-west-2
     output = json
  8. You can list configured profiles using aws configure list-profiles:

     [wmcdonald@fedora ~ ]$ aws configure list-profiles 
  9. Pulling this together, some aliases can be set up to toggle between each profile:

     [wmcdonald@fedora ~ ]$ alias | grep -i aws 
     alias worksso.developer='AWS_PROFILE=worksso.developer'
     alias worksso.tester='AWS_PROFILE=worksso.tester'


We now have the AWS CLI configured with two profiles, a simple environment variable that can be set to switch between profiles and SSO identity to permit access to cloud resources.

Further reading